Learn to powerfully move through challenges and enjoy life!
Allow me to assist you to powerfully reconnect within, amplify all the good in your life and flow.
If you are like me, there have been times when you stuffed your feelings and shut down to live, work or simply get through a situation. You tried to forget about negative experiences, hoping to leave them behind. Perhaps you felt like you were “doing life” wrong. What if embracing all experiences and emotions was actually a key to activating you — the fully integrated, empowered and happy you?
Maybe you already recognize that the duality of life is an invitation to learn and expand. Maybe the idea just clicked for you in this moment. Or maybe you feel stuck and don’t feel clear about how to move forward.
Wherever you are in your journey, your personalized team is waiting to assist you to assimilate the light and the dark, moving you into a state of peace. We know life’s challenges and joys will never cease, but seek to gain mastery of our experience so we can enjoy more and be who we are made to be.
Hi, I’m Katie. I'm a coach who works with people seeking more clarity, creativity and fulfillment.
For over a decade, I've been assisting individuals, executive leaders, and organizations to transform as a Coach and as a Strategy and Change Management Consultant. In my consulting career, I guided executives through strategic changes in their organizations. Today, I integrate my experiences and expertise to hold space for clients’ transformation.
I channel divine guidance through angels, guides and loved ones to support clients to heal and to experience life with greater ease and empowerment. I assist people to heal limiting patterns as well as to anchor in new practices that expand every area of their lives.
Before opening this private practice, I worked at a Fortune 500 consulting company in Washington, D.C. I hold an M.B.A. from Thunderbird School of Global Management and I am certified as a Change Management Advanced Practitioner from Georgetown University.
Like many people, challenging experiences forced me to seek healing. A major car accident left me in chronic pain and was a catalyst to deeply heal on a physical and emotional level. This accident, along with many other subsequent challenges, sparked my desire to learn to honor my voice and face my fears. This eventually meant quitting my consulting job in D.C. and moving to Rio de Janeiro

How CaN I
Assist YoU?
Intuitive Reading
We all need self-care and maintenance, especially when we hit a rough patch. I channel divine guidance to support you in getting to the next level in your career, spiritual growth, creative endeavors and relationships.
Soul Celebrations
The best gatherings are opportunities for us to deeply connect and express ourselves in new ways. A Soul Celebration is a chance to enhance the bonds between you and your tribe plus harness the synchronistic magic that happens when like-minded people gather with an intention. Get your favorites together and get ready to connect and receive from the divine!
I channel messages from loved ones who have passed as well as angels and spirit guides. During these gatherings, each person will have the opportunity to receive personalized messages and also be uplifted by the wisdom and healing channeled for the group.
These celebrations are located in the San Francisco Bay area, unless otherwise arranged, and are for 120 minutes of channeling with up to six people. Participants can gather their loved ones for a magical and powerful evening. Please click below to find out additional details. I look forward to working with you and yours!